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  • God’s Plan


    God’s plan for your life far exceed the circumstances of your day…

    I worry about so many things on top of all the problems that pop up throughout the day. It can make for a full day of anxiety. However, God knows the load we carry and He has a plan for good! Lean into Him and take your focus off the problems. Then you’ll get a front row seat to see His work.

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    -Frame not included
    -Instant download high resolution option

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  • God is our refuge and strength – Psalm 46:1


    God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1

    No matter how successful, wealthy, or smart we are, we all encounter detours in life that leave us heartbroken, things that blindside us, or events we could never anticipate. With all life’s uncertainties we can rest assure know God is our refuge and straight.

    -Different size options available
    -Frame not included
    -Instant download high resolution option

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  • O Lord, you are a great and awesome God! – Daniel 9:4


    I prayed to the Lord my God and confessed:

    “O Lord, you are a great and awesome God! You always fulfill your covenant and keep your promises of unfailing love to those who love you and obey your commands.

    Daniel humbles himself before the Lord. Confessing God’s greatness and his goodness, His justice and holiness. I love his prayer that reminds us that God is faithful to His promise to love us unconditionally.

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  • Above all, Love each other deeply – Peter 4:8


    Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. -Peter 4:8

    To cover sin is to forgive it, and forgiveness is given from love. This does not mean we disregard our own emotions or ignore our personal boundaries. We cannot cover sin by denying that it hurt us. We cover sin by acknowledging it and then extending the forgiveness God has given us to others. The best example of a love that covers sin is Jesus’ sacrificial death on our behalf. Let this Peter 4:8 Bible verse print remind us we have been forgiven and we are called to forgive others.

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  • He first loved us – 1 John 4:19


    He first loved us
    1 John 4:19

    God loved us first and His love for us opens our hearts and gives us an example of how to love others. In order to love others well, we first need to understand and experience how much God loves us. He loves us completely and unconditionally. He showed that love by sending Jesus Christ to Earth to die for you. Let this John 4:19 Bible verse print remind us that we are loved by God and we are called to love.

    -Typography Theme
    -Different size options available
    -Frame not included
    -Instant download high resolution option

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  • Where you go I will go – Ruth 1:16


    But Ruth replied, “Don’t ask me to leave you and turn back. Wherever you go, I will go; wherever you live, I will live. Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God.

    Ruth 1:16

    The story of Ruth is a beautiful example of love and loyalty through the most tested moments. Read the book of Ruth with your family and display this bible verse in your home as a reminder of what love looks like even through trying times.

    -Both prints included
    -Typography theme
    -Different size options available
    -Frame not included
    -Instant download high resolution option

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  • Every good and perfect gift – James 1:17


    Every good and perfect gift is from above – James 1:17

    Notice all the good in your life and thank Him for all of it because we know from James 1:17 that all good comes from God. Let this print be your reminder of all the gifts God gives you.

    -Different size options available
    -Frame not included
    -Instant download high resolution option

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  • Take Heart – John 16:33


    Take heart I have overcome the world
    John 16:33

    Regardless of what challenge or trial you face, Christ declared that we should “be of good cheer” because He has overcome it already! Let this scripture print provide great encouragement and strength to you whenever you face difficult times.

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    -Frame not included
    -Instant download high resolution option

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  • Flawed and Still Worthy


    Flawed and Still Worthy.

    How consuming it can be at times when you try to do good but always feel you’re falling short. Yet at the end of the day we are still worthy of His love. We don’t need to earn it or jump through hoops to get it. He loves us fully… right where we’re at.

    -Typography theme
    -Different size options available
    -Frame not included
    -High resolution digital file option

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  • Love Is Patient + Love Is Kind


    Love Is Patient + Love Is Kind

    As it says in 1 Corinthians 13:4… Love is patient, love is kind. When I think about that sometimes my love can be far from patient and kind. Especially when I let stress take over my life. However, God designed love to look so much better than that. Let this inspirational print remind you of what love really looks like.

    -Typography theme
    -Different size options available
    -Frame not included
    -High resolution digital file option

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  • Set Apart for His Glory – Personalized


    We are set apart for His Glory!

    Personalize this print for your family as a reminder that we don’t have to fit in with the world because we are set apart for His Glory. We are called to be different and when we find ourselves set apart rest in knowing that this is where we’ll find our true fulfillment.

    -Typography theme
    -Different size options available
    -Frame not included
    -High resolution digital file option

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  • His grace is sufficient for you


    His grace is sufficient for you

    God’s grace is sufficient for any situation. It is offered to all, without partiality, but it is up to us to be open to receive that tremendous grace. Let this Scripture Print be a reminder that God’s grace is sufficient.

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  • His power is made perfect in weakness


    His power is made perfect in weakness
    2 Corinthians 12:9

    This is opposite to how the world operates. We like to show off our strength. To act like we’ve got it all together. However Gods power is made perfect in weakness. If God’s grace alone is sufficient to sustain me, I can’t take credit for sustaining myself. God does it all, and we will boast only in Him. If you are aware of your weakness, you are also humble and receive grace. The more we acknowledge our nothingness and complete dependence on God, the more He will live and work in us.

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  • You Are Set Apart


    You are beautiful, unique, chosen, set apart… Loved.

    It’s amazing to think of how many people are in the world and we’re all so different. Yet even more mind blowing how God intentionally made every detail of our bodies. How he seeks to have a personal relationship with each and every one of us. Know that you are beautiful, unique, chosen, set apart… but most importantly LOVED!


    -Typography theme
    -Different size options available
    -Frame not included
    -High resolution digital file option

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  • Children Are A Gift From The Lord – Psalm 127:3


    Children are a blessing and a gift from the Lord.

    Psalm 127:3

    Being a parent can be quite chaotic, messy and down right challenging at times. However, we wouldn’t trade it for the world! The joys that we get out of parenting is a daily blessing that we get to experience from God.


    -Typography theme
    -Different size options available
    -Frame not included
    -High resolution digital file option

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  • Perfect Grace


    Lavished in perfect grace.

    We are all flawed, broken and sin daily. However, no matter what we do, God covers us with grace because of His love for us. He sees past our sin and through the grace He pours out tells us that we are loved and cherished.


    -Farmhouse theme
    -Different size options available
    -Frame not included
    -High resolution digital file option

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  • A Mother’s Job


    A Mother’s Job

    As a mother my job is to take care of the possible and trust God with the impossible.

    All who are mothers need this reminder. With so many worries that come with being a parent we put an unmanageable amount of pressure on ourselves. Most of which are out of our control. I love this reminder because it helps us to hand over to God the things that are impossible for us to handle.


    -Farmhouse theme
    -Different size options available
    -Frame not included
    -High resolution digital file option

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  • Be Grateful


    Be Grateful

    What does it mean to be grateful? Thankfully, it doesn’t mean convincing yourself everything’s perfectly fine and dandy. Living your life with gratitude means choosing to focus on what you appreciate. The goal is not to block out difficulties, but to approach difficulties from a different perspective. Gratitude has the power to bring hope and leads to happiness & peace. Let this Scripture print be your reminder to Be Grateful.

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  • Believe Without Seeing – John 20:29


    Blessed are those who believe without seeing.
    John 20:29

    I can think back to many moments where I wanted to believe without seeing but fear, worry and stress consumed my mind. However, when I come across this bible verse it warms my heart and takes away all those negative thoughts. You see the truth is… Jesus loves us unconditionally! He takes care of us, loves on us and blesses us with His goodness. We only need to BELIEVE!

    -Farmhouse theme
    -Different size options available
    -Frame not included
    -High resolution digital file option

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  • Spirit Lead Me – 15oz Mug


    Spirit Lead Me

    This inspirational mug is a perfect gift for you or a friend. Pair with your favorite coffee and bible.

    15oz White Ceramic Coffee Mug
    Dishwasher Safe

    Mugs cannot be upgraded to 2 Day Shipping.

  • Let God’s Word Brew in Your Heart


    Let God’s Word Brew in Your Heart

    Oh yes! This is for all my coffee lovers out there! We all know how much you love coffee and God’s Word. We love this quote because it gives a perfect image of what it looks like to really dwell it His Word. You read it, studying every detail, what it means and then you let it fill and warm your heart like coffee fills your mug.

    -Typography theme
    -Different size options available
    -Frame not included
    -High resolution digital file option

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  • Give it to God and go to sleep


    Give it to God and go to sleep

    I’m sure we can all relate to this. Even if you’re not going through a heavy storm, dealing with everyday life alone is enough to keep you up at night. The endless thinking of what you can do, have to do or should have done. That’s why this inspirational quote is just what you need next to your bed. Let’s face it… we all need to be told to give it to God and go to sleep!

    -Farmhouse theme
    -Different size options available
    -Frame not included
    -High resolution digital file option

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  • Serve one another in love – Galatians 5:13


    Serve one another in love.
    Galatians 5:13

    I think we can all use this bible verse displayed in our home especially if you have children. God calls us to serve one another in love however, serving someone isn’t always on the top of our list of favorite things to do. Use this bible verse as an opportunity to teach you kids the joy and blessing that comes from obeying God’s command.

    -Floral theme
    -Different size options available
    -Frame not included
    -High resolution digital file option

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  • I prayed to the Lord and He answered me – Psalm 34:4


    I prayed to the Lord and He answered me. He freed me from all my fears.
    Psalm 34:4

    This bible verse is great for encouraging your little ones to pray and to turn to the Lord when they’re scared or worried. It’s a reminder to them that He hears our prayers and that we have nothing to be afraid of because the Lord will free us from our fears.

    -Animal theme
    -Different size options available
    -Frame not included
    -High resolution digital file option

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  • Let God’s Word Brew in Your Heart – 15oz Mug


    Let God’s Word Brew in Your Heart

    I just love this mug because it goes perfect with your coffee and bible… both are two loves! They’re a great combination to start your day which makes this mug a perfect inspirational gift for you or a friend. Pair with your favorite coffee and bible.

    15oz White Ceramic Coffee Mug
    Dishwasher Safe

    Mugs cannot be upgraded to 2 Day Shipping.

  • Be brave – Deuteronomy 31:8


    Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you, He will neither fail you nor abandon you.
    Deuteronomy 31:8

    That’s our Father for you! What a blessing it is to know that we never have to be afraid because He will go before us and fight our battles. Amen to that! However, we don’t always keep this in the forefront of our minds. We quickly forget this verse and that’s why we need this reminder visibly around us.

    -Arrow Theme
    -Different size options available
    -Frame not included
    -Instant download high resolution option

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  • (Family Name) will serve the Lord – Joshua 24:15


    As for me and my house, (Family Name) will serve the Lord
    Joshua 24:15
    (Customize this print with your last name)

    This is one of the most famous statements in the Old Testament, and rightly so, because it expresses the heart of a great spiritual leader at the end of his life. In these simple words we find the will of God expressly stated. Let this Bible verse print be a reminder to serve the Lord and we are to do everything in our power to see that our family follows our example.

    -Black and white theme
    -Different size options available
    -Frame not included
    -High resolution digital file option
    -Personalized prints take 2-3 business days to process

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  • Love never fails – 1 Corinthians 13:8


    Love never fails
    1 Corinthians 13:8

    One stumble does not define or break a person. Though you failed, God’s love does not. Face your failures with faith in God’s goodness. 1 Corinthians 13 is sometimes called the Bible’s Chapter on Love. It is a beautiful description of God’s definition of love. When we are motivated by love of the other person and are not seeking our own comfort, our actions will be characterized by love without fail. Let this 1 Corinthians 13 print be your reminder that Love never fails.

    -Typography Theme
    -Different size options available
    -Frame not included
    -Instant download high resolution option

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  • Give thanks with a grateful heart – 1 Thessalonians 5:18


    Give thanks with a grateful heart
    1 Thessalonians 5:18

    In our busy and demanding lives, it’s easy to focus on our challenges and overlook all our blessings. When we focus on all the positive things in our lives, we will find more joy, satisfaction, and happiness. Our lives will take on greater meaning and our hearts will be filled with love and gratitude. Let this bible verse print be your reminder to give thanks with a grateful heart.

    -Typography Theme
    -Different size options available
    -Frame not included
    -Instant download high resolution option

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  • Give us this day our daily bread – Matthew 6:11


    Give us this day our daily bread
    Matthew 6:11

    God is our provider and He wants us to turn to Him for our everyday needs, big or small. This verse isn’t just about sustaining us physically but also about fulfilling our spiritual needs. When we exercise this simple prayer, we are humbly acknowledging Him as the sole giver of all we need, everyday – in every area of our lives.

    -Kitchen Theme
    -Different size options available
    -Frame not included
    -Instant download high resolution option

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