Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer – Romans 12:12
$5.00 – $62.00Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.
Romans 12:12This verse not only tells us to be patient in the Lord, but it also tells us to rejoice while we are waiting, while constantly praying.
No matter what is going on your life—you always have hope. Jesus came to give you that hope, and He is the answer to every problem you face. That’s a reason to rejoice!
Let this Bible verse print be a reminder that God can provide comfort when no one else can.
-Different size options available
-Frame not included
-Instant download high resolution option -
Bloom where you are planted
$5.00 – $62.00Bloom where you are planted.
Sometimes life is hard. Things don’t always go according to plan. Even in less than wonderful situations, we have control over how we respond. Blooming where we are planted is to make the choice to respond in a positive manner.
Let this Bible verse print be your reminder to be content where God has placed you in life and make the most of your opportunity.
-Different size options available
-Frame not included
-Instant download high resolution option -
You Love Me The Same
$5.00 – $62.00You see the depths of my heart still you love me the same…
Let’s face it… we never get it right. Life happens and often times we let it get the best of us. The ugly parts of our heart are hard to ignore. No matter how ugly they look to us… He will never love us any less. That alone is so comforting. Rest in that today.
-Different size options available
-Frame not included
-Instant download high resolution option -
Cross Before Me The World Behind Me
$5.00 – $62.00Cross before me the world behind me
We will always be going through seasons of good and bad. When we’re in the bad it’s easy to lose our focus. When we fix our eyes on Jesus we gain clarity of our purpose and gain endurance to stay on the right path.
-Different size options available
-Frame not included
-Instant download high resolution option -
Inspirational Prints – Mystery Pack
$25.00 – $40.00This mystery pack is perfect to give as inspirational encouragement for a friend, family member, or for yourself. Works great as a gift to ladies in your small group or just to have displayed around your home or office.
This pack has 2 different size options. Includes (4) 5×7’s or (4) 8×10’s that are individually wrapped in case you’d like to give them separately. Packs will not have duplicates.
-Includes (4) 5×7’s or (4) 8×10’s
-Frames not included
-Individually wrapped -
God’s Plan
$5.00 – $62.00God’s plan for your life far exceed the circumstances of your day…
I worry about so many things on top of all the problems that pop up throughout the day. It can make for a full day of anxiety. However, God knows the load we carry and He has a plan for good! Lean into Him and take your focus off the problems. Then you’ll get a front row seat to see His work.
-Different size options available
-Frame not included
-Instant download high resolution option -
Set Apart for His Glory – Personalized
$10.00 – $67.00We are set apart for His Glory!
Personalize this print for your family as a reminder that we don’t have to fit in with the world because we are set apart for His Glory. We are called to be different and when we find ourselves set apart rest in knowing that this is where we’ll find our true fulfillment.
-Typography theme
-Different size options available
-Frame not included
-High resolution digital file option -
Spirit Lead Me – 15oz Mug
$18.00Spirit Lead Me
This inspirational mug is a perfect gift for you or a friend. Pair with your favorite coffee and bible.
15oz White Ceramic Coffee Mug
Dishwasher SafeNOTE:
Mugs cannot be upgraded to 2 Day Shipping. -
I prayed to the Lord and He answered me – Psalm 34:4
$5.00 – $62.00I prayed to the Lord and He answered me. He freed me from all my fears.
Psalm 34:4This bible verse is great for encouraging your little ones to pray and to turn to the Lord when they’re scared or worried. It’s a reminder to them that He hears our prayers and that we have nothing to be afraid of because the Lord will free us from our fears.
-Animal theme
-Different size options available
-Frame not included
-High resolution digital file option -
(Family Name) will serve the Lord – Joshua 24:15
$10.00 – $67.00As for me and my house, (Family Name) will serve the Lord
Joshua 24:15
(Customize this print with your last name)This is one of the most famous statements in the Old Testament, and rightly so, because it expresses the heart of a great spiritual leader at the end of his life. In these simple words we find the will of God expressly stated. Let this Bible verse print be a reminder to serve the Lord and we are to do everything in our power to see that our family follows our example.
-Black and white theme
-Different size options available
-Frame not included
-High resolution digital file option
-Personalized prints take 2-3 business days to process -
Salt and Light – Matthew 5:13-16
$5.00 – $62.00Salt and Light
Matthew 5:13-16God wants us to be the salt and light of the world. He wants us to go out in the world and live out our faith without being influenced by the sins that plague this earth. He wants us to be the good in the world that helps others conquer sin. Let this bible verse print be your daily reminder of the impact you can make.
-Typography theme
-Different size options available
-Frame not included
-High resolution digital file option -
(Name) Runs on Coffee & Jesus
$10.00 – $67.00(Your Name Here) Runs on Coffee & Jesus
(Customize this print with your name)For some of us these are 2 things we can’t live without… Coffee & Jesus! Being connected with Jesus throughout the day just helps our day go so much smoother especially with a coffee in our hand. This is a perfect gift for a coffee lover or even for yourself! Personalize with a name and display it to see daily.
-Coffee theme
-Different size options available
-Frame not included
-High resolution digital file option
-Personalized prints take 2-3 business days to process -
The righteous are as bold as lions – Proverbs 28:1
$5.00 – $62.00The righteous are as bold as lions
Proverbs 28:1Lions are not afraid to take on seemingly impossible tasks. They will attack animals larger than themselves. They are prepared to see off attacks by more than one enemy. They are courageous in the face of opposition. We are called to be bold as lions. Even though our hope will be shaken at times, our strength comes from God. Let this Bible verse print be your reminder that God’s strength is your victory over fear.
-Animal Theme
-Different size options available
-Frame not included
-Instant download high resolution option -
Faith > Fear
$5.00 – $62.00Faith > Fear
Fear can rob us of so much in life. It can literally prevent us from doing the things we love the most. It can stop us from pursuing our dreams and building important relationships. Faith, however, helps us to conquer our fears. It takes us places only God can. Let your faith be bigger then your fears because with God you can move mountains.
-Typography Theme
-Different size options available
-Frame not included
-Instant download high resolution option -
Act justly, love mercy, walk humbly – Micah 6-8
$5.00 – $62.00Act justly, love mercy, walk humbly.
The power to walk humbly with God, to love mercy, and to act justly comes from the Holy Spirit. What an awesome privilege God gives us when He calls us to demonstrate to a confused world what acting justly and loving mercy really looks like. Let this bible verse print be your reminder to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly.
-B&W Typography Theme
-Different size options available
-Frame not included
-Instant download high resolution option -
Have Faith
$5.00 – $62.00Have Faith
Faith tells me that no matter what lies ahead, God is already there. He is already working everything out for the good… so why let worry flood your mind. All you need to focus on is having faith because He’s got this!
-Watercolor Theme
-Different size options available
-Frame not included
-Instant download high resolution option -
Rise up, take courage and do it – Ezra 10:4
$5.00 – $62.00Rise up, take courage and do it.
Ezra 10:4In life, we’re frequently faced with things that trip us up. However, this bible verse reminds us to stand up and take courage so we can do something about it. We can teach our kids this at a very young age. Starting with maybe… cleaning our rooms! The mess may be big but not too big for us to handle. This makes for an opportunity to encourage them to reflect on the bible verse and apply it in that moment.
-Mountain Theme
-Different size options available
-Frame not included
-Instant download high resolution option -
Spirit Lead Me
$5.00 – $62.00Spirit Lead Me
A simple prayer, a simple request… to be led by the Holy Spirit. It’s a moment of surrender when we realize that we can’t do it on our own. Being led by the Holy Spirit can take you far beyond what you can ever imagine.
-Typography Theme
-Different size options available
-Frame not included
-Instant download high resolution option -
Our Family – A Circle of Strength
$5.00 – $62.00Our Family
A circle of strength, founded on faith, joined in love, kept by GodThere is no denying the importance of family. My husband and children are my first priority and God’s gift to me. The family was designed by God to reflect Him and the love we are brought into through His ultimate sacrifice. A family provides a safe place where children can experience God\’s love and learn how to love other people. Family must point us to God and His gospel.
Family is from Him, family is through Him, and family is to Him.
-Nature Theme
-Different size options available
-Frame not included
-Instant download high resolution option -
Prayer is the Weapon – 2 Corinthians 10:4
$5.00 – $62.00Prayer is the Weapon
2 Corinthians 10:4When we face a battle, often times, our first response is to tell a friend or family member. Then maybe think about it day and night until we drain ourselves of all the “what if’s” we can possibly think of. However, 2 Corinthians 10:4 says…
We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments.
Prayer is the Weapon!
-Typography Theme
-Different size options available
-Frame not included
-Instant download high resolution option -
Wake. Pray. Slay.
$5.00 – $62.00Wake. Pray. Slay.
The best way to start your day is in prayer. Our Lord wants to guide us through our day and to turn to him for all things good and bad. It starts you off in a positive mind frame and helps you to stay focused on being productive.
-Typography Theme
-Different size options available
-Frame not included
-Instant download high resolution option -
Be strong in your faith – Colossians 2:7
$5.00 – $62.00Be strong in your faith
Colossians 2:7When we are strong in our faith… mountains move, prayers get answered and worry disappears. Sounds like a few things we all need but it starts with faith. To be strong in faith we must read the word, remain in prayer and surround ourselves with christian friends that will keep us walking with Jesus. Display this bible verse print as a daily reminder to be strong in faith.
-Mountain theme
-Different size options available
-Frame not included
-Instant download high-resolution option -
Show me the way I should go – Psalm 143:8
$5.00 – $62.00Show me the way I should go for to you I lift up my soul.
Psalm 143:8Life is full of decisions, decisions and more decisions! Like should I take this job, should I move out of state or should I go to this school or that. It can be quite overwhelming. However, when we turn to him wholeheartedly and pray daily for His guidance He is sure to put right where we need to be. Walk with Him and He will show you the way.
-Mountain Theme
-Different size options available
-Frame not included
-Instant download high resolution option -
The Lord God is my strength – Habakkuk 3:19
$5.00 – $62.00 -
The Lord blesses the home of the righteous – Proverbs 3:33
$5.00 – $62.00The Lord blesses the home of the righteous.
Proverbs 3:33This bible verse is a reminder for us to seek the Lord and follow His commands. When we live for Him blessings flow. Make God the center of your home and see how He works not only in your life but of all those under your roof.
-Wreath Theme
-Different size options available
-Frame not included
-Instant download high resolution option -
Like arrows in the hands of a warrior – Psalm 127:4
$5.00 – $62.00Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth.
Psalm 127:4God has great plans for your child. Arrows are not meant to be kept safe in the quiver. Let this Psalm 127:4 bible verse print be your reminder He wants you to eventually release that arrow to make an impact on our world with the love of Christ.
-Arrow Theme
-Different size options available
-Frame not included
-Instant download high resolution option -
The Lord himself will make a house for you – 2 Samuel 7:11
$5.00 – $62.00The Lord himself will make a house for you
2 Samuel 7:11God is the author of all our holy purposes, as well as of our good works. Let this print be a reminder that no matter what the Lord himself has made a home for you.
-Typography Theme
-Different size options available
-Frame not included
-Instant download high resolution option -
I will not be shaken – Psalm 16:8
$5.00 – $62.00I will not be shaken.
Psalm 16:8As we stand in our faith we can have confidence to declare that we will not be shaken. His word is never changing. We can have our trust in Him because He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.
-Floral Theme
-Different size options available
-Frame not included
-Instant download high resolution option -
Humble yourselves before the Lord – James 4:10
$5.00 – $62.00Humble yourselves before the Lord and He will lift you up.
James 4:10Being humble is hard to do when we have pride standing in the way. When we have pride that’s another way of lifting ourselves but we quickly see how that effects the relationships around us. However, when we admit our wrongs and humble ourselves God swoops in and lifts us up and brings healing to hearts.
-Woodland Theme
-Different size options available
-Frame not included
-Instant download high resolution option -
This is the way; walk in it – Isaiah 30:21
$5.00 – $62.00Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”
Isaiah 30:21In today’s world we have so many temptations pulling us to the left and to the right. Let this print be a reminder to listen to the Holy Spirit and it will guide you.
-Black & White Theme
-Different size options available
-Frame not included
-Instant download high resolution option